2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East: Easy Path


Suppose, for instance, you are in Bentonville, Arkansas, coming from 2403 Se J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East. In that case, this guide serves as your route map, the mode of transport, and other essential tips to ease the journey. This article contains all the facts: any person driving to work, doing house chores or visiting someone wants to know how to get where he or she wants to be.

The distance from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East is relatively short, but you should consider a few things to ensure a smooth, stress-free trip. The Distribution and Global Technology Center (DGTC) East for Walmart is a very important aspect of Walmart’s entire operation. As with Uber, it is always helpful to the extent that one can save as much time as possible.

Route overview

The drive from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East covers a distance of approximately 3 to 4 miles, depending on your starting point and route. It is a short drive that is extremely important for recording directions, traffic, and road traffic, depending on the trip’s needs.

Main Route Options from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East

You can take several different routes from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East, each varying slightly in terms of distance and time.

Option 1: The direct route is SE J Street and Hwy 102

  • Beginning at 2403 SE J Street Bentonville.
  • Turn right on SE J Street and continue south to 14th Street.
  • Turn right onto Hwy 102 E.
  • Continue on Hwy 102 E and then turn right onto NE Walton Blvd.
  • Follow the highway and turn left at the intersection at Walmart DGTC East, as highlighted below;

This is the easiest, with very few turns, and signs everywhere are easy to read and follow. It typically takes around 10 minutes; the roads are usually traffic jam-free.

Option 2: Scenic route via 14th Street

  • Starts at 2403 SE J Street, Bentonville.
  • Continue south on SE J Street to 14th Street.
  • Now turn left on 14th Street and continue to Hwy 102 E.
  • Drive in the direction where the asphalt leads to Walmart, known as Walmart DGTC East.

This route adds a few minutes to your commute but allows you to experience more of the Bentonville landscape.

2403 se j street bentonville to walmart dgtc east

Main historical and tourist attractions in the area on the route

  • 2403 SE J Street Bentonville: Most houses are where the tour begins.
  • Walmart DGTC East: This is the trip’s final destination, where the famous Walmart corporate stores have their distribution and technology services section.
  • 14th Street: A regional thoroughfare in Bentonville that forms an essential link between local roads.

Travel Time and Traffic Considerations

The drive from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East usually takes 10 to 15 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. Traffic jams are rare in Bentonville because it is a small town, but the traffic is quite congested at certain times of the day.

  • Best time to travel: To avoid traffic hassles, you should avoid two time slots: 8:00 am-9:00 am and 5:00 pm-6:00 pm.
  • Alternative routes: Where many activities occur along main roads or on construction sites, it is better to avoid them by switching to local roads.

Methods of transport

Depending on your preferences and needs, there are several ways to get from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East.


  • The best way is by car because one is not limited by the arrival time and how fast one can get there.
  • You can take a car if you come to Walmart DGTC East with your colleagues.
  • The Walmart DGTC East parking lot usually remains open for employees, visitors, and vendors with ample space.


  • The last category of transport that can be named is cycling – for people ready to travel more ecologically. There are also bike lanes, as Bentonville is a very bike-friendly town.
  • It takes approximately 15 minutes to bike from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East, depending on your speed.


  • Walking from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East is possible if you want a healthier and quieter option. The walk takes around thirty minutes, and then it’s worth looking around.
2403 se j street bentonville to walmart dgtc east

Nearby amenities and services

  • Restaurants and Cafes: However, there are a few places to eat if you are tired of cycling.
  • Gas Stations: If you drive on Hwy 102 E, you will see these stations.
  • Retail Stores: The retail experience near Walmart DGTC East can be described in Bentonville.

Weather Considerations

Bentonville’s climate depends on the seasons, with some seasons being harsher than others. Always check the weather forecast when you plan to go out, especially in winter when ice can be a dead stop when travelling. Guys, you better take an umbrella, especially in the summer, because sometimes there are thick feathers.

Parking at Walmart DGTC East

Walmart DGTC East has a guarded parking lot for employees and people visiting the complex. It is recommended to follow the signs and rules where there is hope for specific bays for visitors or van drivers.

2403 se j street bentonville to walmart dgtc east


Travelling from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East is simple, with several routes and transportation options. Whether behind the wheel of a car, riding a bike, or just trying to get around town without hitting any obstacles, this guide provides all the essentials and don’ts to enjoy the ultimate car-free day.


1. What does Walmart DGTC East mean? How many miles is it to 2403 SE J Street Bentonville?

The distance from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East is about 3 to 4 miles, so it’s short and easy.

2. What is the fastest route from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East?

The quickest way to get to SE J Street and Hwy 102 E is to drive about 10 minutes without a traffic jam.

3. Can I bike from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East?

Yes, biking is an option that should take about 15 minutes, as Bentonville has quite a few bike-friendly roads.

4. Are there possible ways to commute from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East?

Bentonville offers only a few public transportation options, unlike other large cities. Using a car or other means such as a bicycle is probably faster for most journeys.

5. Are there parking spaces at Walmart DGTC East?

Walmart DGTC East has ample parking space for visitors and working-class people. You only have to watch out for parking, but that’s only if you’ve read the directions carefully.

6. What is the best time to travel from 2403 SE J Street Bentonville to Walmart DGTC East?

Travelling travel on Wednesday morning or early after recommended noon to avoid traffic jams.

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